First-Year Composition

The goal of English 106, First Year Composition, is to help students learn strategies and practices of research, analysis, and rhetorical composition. In my course, I use a broad, multimedia approach to investigate academic writing and research. We begin by discussing rhetorical strategies and writing a rhetorical analysis of an advertisement. Next, students examine what it means to craft knowledge in their own specific disciplines. Students then reflect on their own personal histories as by writing a literacy autobiography. Finally, students have the opportunity to research and explore a controversial issue they care about through creating a multimedia podcast. Throughout the course, I emphasize peer response and revision as a crucial component of academic and professional inquiry.

This course is shaped by the understanding that in order to improve at something, one must practice; in other words, students do a lot of writing! My main goal is to help them develop strategies to approach a wide variety of writing situations, both in their future academic years and in the professional world. I hope this course helps students become more confident, effective writers for their current and future endeavors.


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